Snowboarders love the unpisted gullies of Taos, in New Mexico. Off the slopes, the region’s adobe villages offer an insight into Native American culture and a chance to support local communities, as our writer discovers on a road trip In the biting cold of the dark, incense-scented St Jerome chapel, tour guide Francisco Velarde, or…

Anti-tourism is not welcome on the Orkney isle, where a community group has started a campaign to attract visitors (and residents) to the remote outpost with a ‘rich cultural life and sense of freedom’ It’s not uncommon to hit the new year with an overwhelming desire to quit your job, shed your responsibilities and flee…

This travel advice has been reviewed and contains new information, on entry and exit, local travel and health. The level of our advice has not changed. Exercise normal safety precautions in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). Source: Smart traveller