Leaving a regular Australian railway station will more often than not lead you straight to a transport destination of some sort, or no less than a noteworthy street or a few shops.

Be that as it may, things are somewhat extraordinary on the edges of Chongqing province in Southwest China, which makes a case for maybe one of the loneliest and most separated train destinations on the planet. Climbing the escalators towards the Caojiawan train station’s exit  shows the growth of weeds and overgrown grass. It opens to a tragic deserted no man’s land with no framework or individuals to talk off.

A destination in nowhere
One of the other ‘grown-over’ train stations. Image thanks to Google images.

You’d be excused for supposing it was totally surrendered, or the setting for the most recent post-prophetically calamitous blockbuster.

Be that as it may, the train station beneath is completely operational and working. Developed in 2015, the station was intended to have three ways out, however all except one are unused and have been over taken by weeds.

Without any streets or open transport above to talk about, unfortunate workers are compelled to depend on a van administration to get whatever remains of the path home, as Shanghaiist reports.

Obviously, staff at the train station revealed to Chinese media that not very many travellers go through the station, which basically prompts the center of no place. However, contrasted and Melbourne’s inexorably congested open transport where workers frequently take after sardines in a can, it be able to may be an appreciated help.

Photographs of the station turned into a web sensation this week after they were distributed in the Chinese media, and from that point forward a conceivable clarification has developed. In China, train stations design and street development are dealt with by two distinctive administrative divisions, and it shows up the correspondence between the two may not be ideal.

The Chongqing territory is quickly creating, and city arranging may in the long run get up to speed to the prepare system and manufacture framework around it.

Meanwhile, the weeds get longer around what may very well be the most destination on the planet.

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